Seldom do we think of jewelry other than as a means of enhancing our outfits. Be it a simple band around the wrist or a pair of earrings, everyone loves some or the other forms of jewelry, men and women alike. Which is why it would be surprising to think of jewelry bringing any sort of misfortune into a person’s life. They usually act as a symbol of love or bonding and metals such as silver are even thought to bring good luck. However, there are some pieces of jewelry that have been thought to be cursed throughout history. Various records and accounts tell us how, over the centuries, some Cursed Jewelry have been responsible for ruining entire dynasties and even summoning death. Below are listed three of the most cursed pieces of jewelry that have existed in the world. Next time you wear your favorite bracelet or match that perfect pendant to your dress—well, let’s just say, beware!
The Hope Diamond

The ancient 45.52 carat gem, a dazzling blue shade is one of the most famous diamonds in the world and is now stored at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Rumor has it that the diamond was a part of a religious idol in a temple in India until a priest spotted it and out of greed plucked it out, deciding that the diamond was far too valuable to be lying there useless. It is believed that because of its religious connection, the diamond carried with it a curse to destroy whoever it came upon. The diamond was sold to Jean-Baptiste Tavernier. Although Tavernier is not reported to have been killed after coming into possession of the diamond, it is said that he did suffer from a fatal illness, until he got rid of the diamond by selling it to King Louis XIV of France.
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It was he that had a beautiful pendant made out of this Cursed Jewelry piece, and the diamond got its nickname of The Blue Diamond of the Crown. Shortly after, the King died from Gangrene. After this, the curse then worked its way into the lives of its next owners, Louis XVI and his wife, who were both executed during the French Revolution.
The diamond’s route after this is a little blurry in history, but it somehow came into the possession of King George IV, who was the most unpopular king of the throne. Not only did he suffer from ailments and faced disdain from his people, but he was also in huge debt by the time he died. After this, the diamond left its usual residence of royal families and reached a rich London banker, where it gained its name of Hope from the family name. After the first two owners from the family died early deaths, the diamond seemed to become free of the curse for a while as it stayed in the family for years.
After changing owners many times afterward, the diamond was then bought by Evalyn Walsh McLean. She was perhaps the one who faced the wrath of the curse the most. After possessing the diamond, Evalyn’s mother-in-law and son died; her husband left her for another woman and then later passed away in a mental asylum; her daughter too died at an early age. It didn’t stop just there, because Evalyn too died shortly afterward. Finally, the diamond came into the possession of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where it resides till this day, acting as their chief popular attraction. Although there are many speculations on whether the diamond is actually cursed, or the rumors were just spread to make it more expensive, the amount of deaths it has supposedly caused is too high to be just a hoax.
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Given that the Hope diamond seems to bring into its owners’ lives anything but hope, it’s quite ironic that it was named such! This cursed Diamond will be mounted on a new platinum necklace that is designed by French craftsmen.
Koh-i-Noor Diamond

Whether a jewel enthusiast or not, everyone has heard of the Koh-i-Noor diamond and its magnificent beauty. It has gained a lot of attention around the world and has been a part of many royal families, both in India and abroad. However, few people know the Koh-i-Noor is thought to carry a curse with it. In fact, it is supposedly said in an old Hindu Scripture that he who owns the cursed diamond will own the world but will also know of its misfortunes. Only a woman or a God can wear the Koh-i-Noor with impunity. Throughout history, this prophecy has actually manifested itself in reality, since whichever king owned this diamond was either killed or defeated. The initial owners of the Koh-i-Noor, the Kakatiya Dynasty, were defeated by Allauddin Khilji, who died shortly after coming into its possession. It was then passed onto the Mughals, who lost the war against Nadir Shah; Nadir Shah, too, died soon afterward. After the British Empire gained the Koh-i-Noor, they slowly started losing their colonies. Currently kept in the Tower of London, the Koh-i-Noor can only be worn by the Queen.
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The Koh-i-Noor diamond is surely a good example of how one should never trust their eyes. It’s splendid to look at, but also splendidly cursed!
Delhi Purple Sapphire

Although it is not actually a sapphire, the Delhi Purple Sapphire is an amethyst and a beautiful one at that. However, like our two previous beautiful diamonds and Cursed Jewelry, the Delhi Purple Sapphire is also considered to be cursed. This stone was apparently taken from India by a British Soldier, from whom it reached Colonel W. Ferris. It is said to have brought about misfortune into the family in the form of deaths and financial problems and then reached Edward Heron-Allen. Allen too faced a series of bad luck after receiving the stone and gave it away to his friends, who suffered from suicides and failed careers. It is said that an Opera singer lost her voice after receiving this stone. After that, Allen had it locked away in his bank, from where his daughter took it after his death and donated it to the London Natural History Museum. Although the museum has not been a victim of the stone’s curse as of yet, the misfortune and death surrounding it are too prominent to be brushed away as being just rumors.
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As expensive as they are, these pieces of cursed jewelry have cost more to their owners than just their money. The haunted and cursed history behind these sheds new light on the belief that jewelry is always good to have because one would actually be better off without the ones mentioned above.

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